In the video “10 Secrets Las Vegas Hotel & Casino Employees Will Never Tell You” by JacobslifeinVegas, you’ll uncover some intriguing and undisclosed information about the inner workings of the Las Vegas hospitality industry. From shocking behind-the-scenes stories to tips on tipping, this video provides an inside look into the secrets that employees typically keep to themselves. Topics covered include the unfortunate reality of suicides on casino property, the limits on cashing in chips, the hidden presence of bed bugs in hotels, the intricacies of tipping culture, and the clever tricks employed by nightclubs to encourage spending. Additionally, the video sheds light on the privacy measures taken to protect high-rolling celebrities, the risk of cyber attacks on casinos, the reluctance of security guards to intervene in dangerous situations, the use of code words in gentleman’s clubs, and the discretion of table dealers when it comes to sharing information about celebrity players. Overall, this captivating video offers a glimpse into the hidden truths of Las Vegas’s renowned hospitality scene.

Secrets About Casinos

Casinos set cash limits for security purposes

One of the secrets about casinos is that they set cash limits for security purposes. While it may not be openly discussed, casinos are often targeted by robberies and theft due to the significant amount of money they handle. In order to prevent potential theft, the cashier’s cage sets a limit on how much money can be cashed in at one time without having to show a photo ID. This serves as a security measure to deter criminals from planning any kind of robbery or fraud within the casino. By setting these limits, casinos can ensure the safety of both their employees and their customers.

Casinos face cyber attacks from hackers

Another secret about casinos is the constant threat of cyber attacks from hackers. As technology advances, so do the risks associated with handling personal and financial information. Hackers often target casinos in an attempt to gain access to valuable personal information, such as social security numbers and credit card numbers. Although these incidents are rarely reported in the mainstream media, casinos are becoming more aware of the need for strict cybersecurity measures. It is crucial for casinos to invest in robust security systems to protect both their own data and the personal information of their customers.

Blackjack dealers cannot give personal opinions on playing a hand

One interesting secret about casinos is that blackjack dealers are not allowed to give personal opinions on playing a hand. While they are knowledgeable about the game and its strategies, dealers cannot provide personal advice or opinions to players. However, they are allowed to provide advice based on basic strategy, which is a set of rules that can optimize a player’s chances of winning in blackjack. So, if you’re ever looking for some guidance on how to play a hand, remember that dealers can provide advice based on basic strategy, but not their own personal opinions.

Table dealers protect player and co-worker privacy

Table dealers at casinos have another secret: they protect both player privacy and the privacy of their co-workers. Dealers are trained to not disclose any personal information about players, such as their winnings or losses, or even their presence at the casino. This confidentiality is essential for maintaining a safe and secure environment for both the players and the casino itself. Additionally, dealers also protect the privacy of their co-workers by not revealing their work schedules or days off. This helps to ensure a level of privacy and security for everyone involved in the casino operation.

Secrets About Hotels

Hotels may not inform guests about bed bugs

One secret about hotels, especially in Las Vegas, is that they may not inform guests if there are bed bugs on the property. Discovering bed bugs in a hotel room can be a nightmare for both guests and the hotel itself. To avoid any negative publicity or damage to their reputation, hotels often choose not to disclose if bed bugs have been found on the property. Instead, they may refer to a possible pest or insect problem without specifically mentioning bed bugs. If a guest receives a call from the front desk regarding a pest problem and is offered a room change or assistance with cleaning their items, it’s safe to assume that there may be a bed bug issue.

Hotels have private VIP entrances and gambling rooms for celebrities

Las Vegas hotels have an intriguing secret: they have private VIP entrances and gambling rooms specifically designed to cater to celebrities. To provide top-level security and privacy for high-profile guests, hotels have separate entrances and exclusive areas where celebrities can enjoy their stay without being constantly surrounded by fans or paparazzi. These areas often include private gambling rooms where A-list celebrities can enjoy their favorite casino games away from the public eye. These hidden amenities are just one of the many ways in which Las Vegas hotels strive to provide a luxurious and tailored experience for their high-profile guests.

Secrets About Tipping

Tipping is a large part of the culture in Las Vegas

One of the well-known secrets about Las Vegas is that tipping is a large part of the culture. From the moment you step foot in a hotel or casino, tipping is expected in various situations. Valet parking attendants, bellmen, cocktail servers, and other service providers rely heavily on tips as a significant portion of their income. It is considered customary to tip approximately 15-20% of the total bill for food and drink service, and 1-2 dollars per bag for bellmen and valet parking attendants. Tipping is an essential part of the Las Vegas experience and shows appreciation for the quality service provided.

Auto gratuity for housekeeping may not go directly to the housekeeper

Another secret about tipping in Las Vegas relates to the auto gratuity for housekeeping. Many hotels add an automatic gratuity charge to the bill to cover tips for housekeeping services. However, it is important to note that this auto gratuity may not go directly to the housekeeper. Some hotels pool these tips and distribute them among the entire housekeeping staff. Therefore, if you want to ensure that your tip goes directly to the individual who provided the service, it is advisable to leave a separate cash tip in the room for the housekeeper.

Employees may hint or insinuate how much to tip

While it is generally frowned upon for employees to suggest or directly ask for a specific tip amount, some employees in Las Vegas may hint or insinuate how much to tip. This can range from strategically placing tip envelopes or suggestion signs in hotel rooms to subtle comments made by service providers. It is important to remember that tipping should be based on the quality of service received and not on any pressure or suggestion from the employee. Ultimately, the decision of how much to tip should be left to the customer’s discretion.

Employees should not coerce or push customers into tipping

In line with the previous point, employees in Las Vegas are generally expected not to coerce or push customers into tipping. Tipping should be a voluntary act of appreciation for good service, and employees should respect a customer’s decision not to tip or to tip a smaller amount. It is important for employees to uphold professional standards and not engage in behavior that could make customers feel uncomfortable or pressured. The customer should be able to evaluate the service they received and decide on the appropriate tip amount without any external influence.

It’s best to ask employees for guidance on tipping

With tipping being such a significant part of the culture in Las Vegas, it can be helpful to ask employees for guidance if you are unsure about tipping etiquette in specific situations. Different service providers may have different expectations when it comes to tipping. By politely asking employees for guidance, you can ensure that you are following the appropriate tipping practices and showing appreciation for the services received. Remember that employees are generally knowledgeable about tipping norms and will be happy to assist you in navigating the tipping culture of Las Vegas.

Secrets About Nightclubs

Nightclubs use tricks to get customers to spend more money

Nightclubs in Las Vegas have their own set of secrets, and one of them is the use of tricks to get customers to spend more money. Nightclubs are designed to create an atmosphere of excitement and indulgence, and they employ various tactics to encourage customers to maximize their spending. From strategically placed bars to high-energy music and lighting, nightclubs aim to create an environment where customers feel compelled to order more drinks or bottle service. By using these tricks, nightclubs can increase their revenue and enhance the overall experience for their guests.

Different-sized cups are served depending on admission type

To further encourage spending, nightclubs use the strategy of serving different-sized cups depending on the admission type. For general admission guests, smaller cups are often used, which hold less alcohol. This allows the club to save money on each drink served to general admission customers. On the other hand, bottle service guests are provided with larger cups, allowing for more alcohol to be poured. This strategy ensures that bottle service guests, who typically spend more, receive a larger quantity of alcohol per drink. It’s an effective way for nightclubs to cater to different clientele and incentivize higher spending.

Staff gather information about customers’ interests and income

Nightclubs in Las Vegas have another secret: staff members gather information about customers’ interests and income. When customers arrive at the front door of a nightclub, staff members often ask questions to gather information that can be used to personalize their experience. Questions about hotel stays, profession, and payment methods can provide clues about a customer’s interests and potential spending capabilities. This information allows staff members to tailor their recommendations and offers to individual customers, increasing the likelihood of higher spending.

Code words are used among staff members to relay information

Within the secretive world of nightclubs, code words are used among staff members to relay information. These code words can be used to communicate various messages discreetly, such as notifying staff members about VIP guests or potential big spenders. By using code words, nightclubs can maintain a level of confidentiality and ensure that sensitive information is only shared among trusted staff members. These code words add an element of secrecy to the nightclub experience and contribute to the overall allure and mystique of the place.

Secrets About Security

Security guards may be reluctant to intervene in dangerous situations

One of the secrets about security in Las Vegas is that security guards may be reluctant to intervene in dangerous situations. This can be attributed to a combination of factors, including low pay and the nature of Sin City. Unfortunately, some security guards are not adequately compensated for the risks they face in their line of work. Additionally, Las Vegas has a reputation for rowdy behavior and violent incidents, which can make security guards cautious about directly intervening in potentially dangerous situations. It is important for individuals to be aware of this and take their own precautions to ensure their safety.

It’s best to get out of danger and wait for security or law enforcement

Given the potential reluctance of security guards to intervene in dangerous situations, it is best for individuals to get out of danger and wait for security or law enforcement to arrive. If you find yourself in a situation that poses a threat to your safety, the priority should be to remove yourself from harm’s way. Once you are in a safe location, contact security or law enforcement and provide them with the necessary information about the incident. They are trained to handle volatile situations and can take appropriate action to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

First responders often need backup and handle volatile situations carefully

Just like security guards, first responders in Las Vegas often need backup and handle volatile situations with caution. While they are trained to handle emergencies, certain situations may require additional support and careful handling. This is particularly true in a city like Las Vegas, where large crowds and high-energy events can create challenging circumstances for first responders. It is important for individuals to be patient and cooperative when interacting with first responders, as their primary goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved. Following their instructions and providing any necessary information can help facilitate a swift and effective response.


Las Vegas is a city full of secrets, and employees in various industries often hold insider information about casinos, hotels, tipping, nightclubs, and security. Understanding these secrets can help visitors navigate the city more effectively and make informed decisions. From cash limits at casinos to the use of tricks in nightclubs, there are many aspects of Las Vegas that remain hidden from the public eye. By shedding light on these secrets, we hope to provide a deeper understanding of the inner workings of Las Vegas and enhance the overall experience for both visitors and locals.