Imagine stepping into the chilling world of the Las Vegas shooting through the lens of body cam footage. In Part 1 of the documentary, “Body cam footage captures Las Vegas shooter’s hotel room breach,” ABC News takes you back to the horrific night of October 1, 2017, where 58 lives were tragically lost and hundreds more were injured. Survivors, first responders, and hotel security recount the events of that fateful night, shedding light on the heroic actions and the shocking gaps in the system that allowed the shooter to carry out his devastating plan. Through a thorough 10-month investigation, law enforcement and MGM collaborated to reveal one of the most comprehensive views of a mass shooting ever, using surveillance cameras, body cameras, and a 3D model. Join us as we uncover the chilling details and heart-wrenching stories of the victims and the individuals who encountered the Las Vegas shooter.

In Part 1, the documentary opens with footage capturing the arrival of the shooter, Steven Paddock, at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino six days before the attack. In a high-roller suite on the 32nd floor, Paddock brings in an alarming amount of luggage filled with guns and ammunition. Little did anyone know that this seemingly ordinary guest would go on to unleash a nightmare that would forever alter the lives of so many. Follow the story as it unfolds, from the routine security check by Mandalay Bay security officer Hay-zu’s Campos, to the unsettling discovery of the shooter’s strategically placed l-bracket on the exit door, to the terrifying moment when Campos finds himself under fire and takes cover. As the tragedy unfolds, the documentary exposes the bravery of the responders, the chaos of the concertgoers, and the immense challenges faced by law enforcement in their efforts to protect and save lives. Join us on this harrowing journey as we unravel the mystery and shed light on the devastating impact of the Las Vegas shooting.

Introduction to Las Vegas Shooting

The Las Vegas shooting, which occurred on October 1, 2017, remains one of the most tragic and shocking events in American history. With 58 people killed and hundreds more injured, the impact of this mass shooting was felt not only by the victims and their families, but also by the nation as a whole. In the wake of this devastating event, there has been a growing focus on the importance of body camera footage in understanding the timeline of events and assessing the response of law enforcement. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the Las Vegas shooting, highlighting the significance of body cam footage in piecing together the events that unfolded that night.

Background Information

Prior to delving into the specifics of the shooting, it is important to understand the context in which it occurred. Las Vegas, often referred to as the entertainment capital of the world, is known for its vibrant nightlife and bustling casinos. Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where the shooting took place, is one of the most well-known and luxurious hotels on the Las Vegas Strip.

Mandalay Bay Security Footage

Security camera footage from the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino provides invaluable insight into the events leading up to the shooting. Six days before the attack, Steven Paddock, the shooter, arrived at the hotel. As a high roller and regular guest, Paddock did not raise any suspicion among hotel staff. He was given the VIP treatment, including being allowed to bring his luggage up to his suite through a service elevator.

Steven Paddock’s Arrival at Mandalay Bay

Paddock checked into a suite on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. Over the course of his stay, he made several trips to his home in Mesquite, Nevada, and brought in a significant amount of luggage. The investigation later revealed that Paddock had transported 21 suitcases filled with guns and ammunition to his hotel room.

Surveillance of Paddock’s Activities

On the night of the shooting, Paddock ordered room service and rigged surveillance cameras before bringing in a final batch of suitcases and locking himself in his room. It was at this point that the Mandalay Bay security officer, Jesus Campos, was on a routine security check on the 32nd floor, completely unaware of the horrors that were about to unfold.

Ammunition and Luggage Brought to the Hotel

The sheer amount of guns and ammunition that Paddock had brought to his hotel room was alarming. With 21 suitcases filled with these deadly weapons, it is clear that his intent was to carry out a mass shooting. The investigation determined that Paddock had planned this attack meticulously, stocking up on weaponry so that he could cause as much harm as possible.

Paddock’s Actions on the Night of the Shooting

As the shooting began at the Route 91 Harvest Festival across the street, Campos, who was unarmed, continued his routine security check. Unbeknownst to him, Paddock had set up surveillance cameras in the hallway and was monitoring the situation closely. When Campos passed by Paddock’s room, the shooter fired through the door, striking Campos and prompting him to seek cover.

Security Officer Campos’ Role

Campos, who had just moments before been wrapping up his shift, found himself thrust into a life-threatening situation. Despite being injured, he was able to take cover and call for assistance. Campos’ actions on that night would later be lauded as heroic, as his quick thinking and bravery saved lives and alerted law enforcement to the severity of the situation.

Paddock’s Initial Attack

After firing upon Campos, Paddock turned his attention back to the concert-goers below and unleashed a hail of bullets. Over 250 rounds were fired in just four minutes, causing chaos and panic among the crowd. The sheer brutality and indiscriminate nature of the attack sent shockwaves throughout the nation.

Response of Las Vegas Metro Police Officers

The Las Vegas Metro police officers were among the first to respond to the scene. However, their efforts were hampered by Paddock’s continued gunfire. Pinned down by the automatic onslaught, the officers found themselves in a precarious situation. The confusion and fear of facing an active shooter scenario only increased the complexity of the response.

Additional Attacks Reported

As the events unfolded, reports of additional attacks in other locations began to emerge. This created even more panic and confusion among law enforcement, as they had to assess the veracity of these reports while simultaneously contending with the active shooter situation at Mandalay Bay.

Security Footage Captures Paddock’s Arrival

The security camera footage captures the arrival of Steven Paddock at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino six days prior to the shooting. This footage provides crucial evidence for investigators, helping to establish a timeline of Paddock’s actions leading up to the attack.

Paddock’s Activities Leading Up to the Shooting

From the security camera footage, it becomes apparent that Paddock had meticulously planned the attack. His multiple trips between the hotel and his home in Mesquite, along with the transportation of numerous suitcases filled with guns and ammunition, demonstrate his careful preparations.

Campos’ Routine Security Check

As Campos conducted his routine security check on the 32nd floor, he had no idea that he was about to become an accidental hero. Unarmed and completely unaware of the danger that awaited him, Campos walked along the hallway, passing by Paddock’s suite.

Campos’ Encounter with Paddock’s Suite

Campos’ encounter with Paddock’s suite proved to be a pivotal moment in the events that unfolded that night. Unbeknownst to Campos, Paddock had rigged the hallway with surveillance cameras, monitoring the situation closely. When Campos passed by the suite, Paddock opened fire, injuring him and initiating the massacre.

Paddock’s Surveillance of the Hallway

The security camera footage reveals that Paddock had set up surveillance cameras in the hallway outside his suite. This allowed him to monitor the movements of anyone approaching his room. It was this surveillance that alerted Paddock to Campos’ presence, leading to the initial attack.

Paddock’s Initial Attack on the Concert Venue

After shooting Campos, Paddock turned his attention to the Route 91 Harvest Festival taking place across the street from the Mandalay Bay hotel. Amid the chaos and panic of the crowd, Paddock fired hundreds of rounds into the concert venue, causing mass casualties and spreading fear throughout the area.

Police Response to the Shooting

The police response to the shooting was immediate and comprehensive. Las Vegas Metro police officers rushed to the scene, ready to confront the active shooter. However, the intensity of Paddock’s gunfire made it difficult for the officers to advance, leading to a prolonged standoff.

Additional Reports of Attacks in Other Locations

In the midst of the panic and confusion, reports of attacks in other locations began to flood in. These reports further added to the chaos of the situation, forcing law enforcement to split their resources and respond to multiple potential threats simultaneously.

Heroic Actions of Campos and Others

The heroic actions of Jesus Campos and other first responders cannot be overstated. Despite being injured, Campos took cover and called for assistance, alerting law enforcement to the severity of the situation. The bravery and selflessness displayed by these individuals saved lives and ensured that the response to the shooting was as swift and effective as possible.

Las Vegas Metro Police Officers Under Fire

As the police officers responded to the scene, they quickly found themselves under fire from Paddock’s hail of bullets. Pinned down and unable to advance, the officers faced the daunting task of neutralizing the threat while minimizing casualties among themselves and the concert-goers.

Evacuation and Triage of Injured

The evacuation and triage of the injured were critical components of the response efforts. As the chaos unfolded, first responders worked tirelessly to evacuate those in immediate danger and provide emergency medical assistance to the wounded. The coordination and quick thinking of these individuals undoubtedly saved lives.

Police Officers Stepping in as Paramedics

In the midst of the chaos, police officers went above and beyond their duties by providing medical aid to the injured. With the realization that time was of the essence, these officers used their training to administer life-saving measures, demonstrating the true spirit of heroism in the face of adversity.

Campos’ Accidental Heroism

Jesus Campos’ actions on the night of the shooting were nothing short of heroic. Despite being unarmed and caught off guard, Campos took cover, called for assistance, and played a crucial role in alerting law enforcement to the unfolding tragedy. His accidental heroism ensured that help arrived as quickly as possible.

Las Vegas Metro Police Officers Engaged in Gunfire

The Las Vegas Metro police officers found themselves engaged in a fierce firefight with the shooter. Paddock’s relentless gunfire made it difficult for the officers to advance and neutralize the threat, highlighting the immense danger they faced in trying to protect innocent lives.

Response to Injured Concert-goers

Despite the chaos and danger, the response to injured concert-goers was swift and comprehensive. First responders quickly established triage areas and worked tirelessly to provide medical aid to those in need. The commitment and professionalism displayed by these individuals in such a horrific and high-pressure situation cannot be overstated.

Impact and Aftermath of the Shooting

The impact of the Las Vegas shooting was far-reaching and continues to reverberate today. Survivors were left traumatized, families mourned the loss of loved ones, and the nation was forced to grapple with the realities of gun violence. The aftermath of the shooting sparked a renewed debate on gun control laws and highlighted the urgent need for improved security measures.

Survivors’ Experiences

The survivors of the Las Vegas shooting faced a long and arduous road to recovery. The physical and emotional trauma inflicted upon them left lasting scars, both visible and invisible. Their firsthand accounts shed light on the horror and chaos they experienced that night, but also on the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

Investigation and Findings

In the aftermath of the shooting, law enforcement agencies conducted a thorough investigation to piece together the events and understand the motive behind Paddock’s actions. The use of surveillance cameras, body cameras, and a 3D model of the crime scene helped provide crucial evidence and shed light on the gaps in the security system.

Survivors’ Firsthand Accounts

The survivors’ firsthand accounts provide invaluable insights into the events that unfolded that night. Their recollections of the chaos, fear, and heroism witnessed on that tragic evening offer a stark reminder of the impact of gun violence and the need for comprehensive and effective response protocols.

Investigation Details

The investigation into the Las Vegas shooting was a complex and meticulous process. Law enforcement agencies worked tirelessly to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and analyze the crime scene. The use of advanced technology, such as surveillance cameras and 3D modeling, played a crucial role in unraveling the sequence of events.

Findings and Gaps in Security System

The investigation revealed several findings and highlighted significant gaps in the security system. The ease with which Paddock was able to bring multiple suitcases filled with guns and ammunition into his hotel room highlighted the need for enhanced security measures and stricter regulation of firearms.

Reflection on the Horrific Event

The Las Vegas shooting was a tragedy of immense proportions, leaving indelible scars on the survivors, their families, and the community as a whole. It served as a wake-up call to the nation, forcing individuals and policymakers to reflect on the need for comprehensive gun control measures and improved security protocols.


The Las Vegas shooting serves as a stark reminder of the importance of body camera footage in understanding and assessing mass shooting incidents. The comprehensive views provided by the security camera footage and body cameras, along with the efforts of law enforcement agencies, have allowed us to piece together the timeline of events and gain a deeper understanding of the horrific night that unfolded on October 1, 2017. Moving forward, it is crucial that we continue to prioritize the use of body cameras and leverage technology to improve our response to mass shooting incidents. Only by learning from these tragic events can we work towards a safer and more secure future.